Project “Cluster approach for improving the use of human resources in the field of energy efficiency of buildings and facilities

Contract № BG05M9OP001-4.001-0046-C01

Lead organization:          Black Sea Energy Cluster (BSEC)

Partners:                   Construction Cluster of Slovenia 
                            Foundation "Olandia"                  

Project duration:           16 months (04.10.2017 – 31.12.2018)

Total Amount:               174 492.85 BGN

With the financial support of: OP “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020,                                                                                                                                                   co-funded by the European Union 
         “Transnational and Danube partnerships for Employment and Growth”
Dynamically changing economic environment necessitates the effective management of human resources - the basis of the successful organizations. The special role of clusters in the economy and their advantages, like the common information base available and the free flow of information between members make these unions a suitable environment for the implementation of innovative tools of use of human resources.

Project activities are geared towards the exchange of experiences and best practices with project partners from Slovenia and Poland for the use of "cluster approach" as an effective way of managing the human resources.


The aim of the project is to promote transnational cooperation between the Black Sea Energy Cluster (BSEC) and the project partners from EU countries through exchange of experience, transfer and implementation of innovative practices in human resource development and improving the organization and working conditions.

To achieve the objectives of the project it is used an integrated approach that includes a set of heterogeneous type and mode of action activities: Based on the experience of other EU clusters will be analyzed how the clusters are a suitable union of companies in favor of effective management of their human resources. Following the exchange experience with project partners will be studied and adapted two practices in human resources development, one of them will be piloted in three member companies of BSEC.

With the implementation of project activities will be introduced an innovative tool for development of human resources based on the cluster approach. This will improve the competitiveness of cluster members and their ability to adapt to continuous legislative, economic and social changes in the market

Target groups: Managers and staff members of the Black Sea energy cluster and the partner clusters from Slovenia and Poland; managing bodies of other cluster unions in the country; managers of companies, NGOs and associations in the fields of energy efficiency of buildings and facilities and other professional organizations.


  • Research the experience and the role of the European clusters in the area of management and development of human resources
  • Organization of training seminars to exchange experience with the project partner (study visit to Slovenia and study visit to Poland)
  • Pilot implementation of innovative model “Shared management of human resources in the cluster unions”
  • Organization of regional conferences “Cluster approach for improving the use of human resources”
  • Evaluation of the results achieved in terms of the applicability of its innovative elements
  • Information and communication