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Cluster approach for improving the use of human resources in the field of energy efficiency of buildings and facilities

On November 3rd, 2017 during the regular General Assembly of the Black Sea Energy Cluster (BSEC), the sixteen-month project „Cluster approach for improving the use of human resources in the field of energy efficiency of buildings and facilities“ was formally presented. The event was attended by the managers, as well as the employees of the member companies of the cluster, representatives of the Technical University of Varna, as well as the administrative body of BSEC.

As a beneficiary partner, the Black Sea Energy Cluster will cooperate with Construction Cluster of Slovenia ( and the Foundation „Olandia“ ( from Poland to share experience, transfer and implement innovative human resources development practices and improving the organization and working conditions.

Dynamically changing economic environment necessitates the effective management of human resources – the basis of the successful organizations. The special role of clusters in the economy and their advantages, like the common information base available and the free flow of information between members make these unions a suitable environment for the implementation of innovative tools of use of human resources.

Project activities are geared towards the exchange of experiences and best practices with project partners from Slovenia and Poland for the use of “cluster approach” as an effective way of managing the human resources.

For the most part, BSEC members are small and micro enterprises and the financial resource dedicated to improving the qualification of the employed is very limited. Due to training visits to Ljubljana and Kwilcz will be organized in order to benefit from the experience of foreign cluster organizations in terms of human resource management and work organization.

An electronic learning platform on the site of BSEC will be elaborated based on the idea of ​​”shared management of human resources”. The platform will be used as a tool for the joint training of the cluster members, as well as a bank of “temporary teams of specialists” for the exchange of experts between company members and others.

More than 140 employees in employment relationships in cluster member companies will be able to benefit from the results of the project. This will improve the competitiveness of members of the Black Sea Energy Cluster and their ability to adapt to the ongoing legislative, economic and social changes in the market.

At the beginning of October 2017, the Chairman of the Cluster – eng. Todor Tonev signed the Contract № BG05M9OP001-4.001-0046-C01 with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for providing financial support under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020, component 1 of the Transnational and Danube Partnerships for Employment and Growth Procedure. The project will end at the end of December 2018.