By / 16th November, 2023 / News / Off

#GreeINN: Green Industry Innovation § Circular Economy to help cluster members

Green innovations are the focus around which the development of business in modern conditions is concentrated and the main engine for increasing competitiveness and its sustainable development. With the GreeINN project, we set ourselves the goal of increasing the competitiveness of BSEC member companies by focusing on the potential of green innovation and business cooperation with Norwegian innovative enterprises. At the beginning, we conducted a survey among our members to what extent they use green energy sources and apply the principles of the circular economy. The results showed that only 12.5% of them benefit from the benefits of eco-innovation. The main reasons for this were the lack of financial resources and the lack of competences. The companies shared their need to increase their awareness of the possibilities of developing circular business models, the implementation of green innovations, the sources of green financing, as well as the need to have well-prepared and trained personnel. Cluster companies need access to educational networks to keep up with new technologies, as well as to communicate with potential customers or investors in order to take advantage of the opportunities of eco-innovation to create value, achieve better energy and resource efficiency and from there to their sustainable and competitive development.

Therefore, GreeINN project launched with an online intensive training focused on innovation in green industry and circular economy. 32 employees from 16 companies – members of the cluster – participated in it. In parallel with the capacity building phase, we are conducting a study of the possibilities of applying relevant green innovations to support the business development of 8 members of the cluster. After receiving the tailor-made studies, company representatives will have the opportunity to participate in a study visit to Norway to exchange experiences, expand the network of partners and above all receive exclusive customized expertise from the Norwegian partner related to the implementation of green innovations in their business practice through digitization and artificial intelligence.