SME projects from Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Romania, Spain and Bulgaria approved for funding
We are announcing the results of the tender for cascade financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, which we carried out in the framework of the European partnership of clusters from Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Romania, Spain and Bulgaria.
As part of the AECeurocluster project, we prepared calls for cascade financing for 4 areas:
· innovation training,
· innovation development projects,
· new technology adoption projects,
· and co-financing of participation in selected fairs.
Among the applicants, there was the greatest interest in innovation development projects. By the deadline, we received 45 applications from 11 EU countries. 12 applications were selected for funding. Selected companies will receive a 60,000.00 Euro subsidy.
In the area of adoption of new technologies, 16 applications were received from 8 countries. 5 applications were selected. In this case too, the selected companies will receive a 60,000.00 Euro subsidy.
We received 6 applications in the field of innovation training. 4 were selected. The selected companies will receive a 5,000.00 Euro subsidy, which they can spend on training with selected mentors included in the AECeuroclusters project mentor database.
The call for participation in selected fairs abroad is still open, namely for visits to fairs in Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Kenya. We plan to finance 5 companies for each fair, and each company will receive 2,000.00 Euros.
Interested companies can still apply.
This is the announcement of the winners of the AEC EUROCLUSTER call. List of granted Project innovation projects with SME financial support 58.200 EUR: 1. “Development of a green and bio-based building BLOCK made of MIScanthus, lime and other natural binder” (MISBLOCK) – Pedone Working S.r.l., Italy 2. “Q3D: AI Quality control and correction for 3D printing with recycled and natural materials” (Q3D) – IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia), Spain 3. “Innovative Rare Earth Bricks, Blocks and panELs” (iREBBELs) – Eco Living Project SRL, Romania 4. “Real-time concrete curing data integration into BIM models” (CoSMoS-BIM) – Cosmos Engineering SL, Spain 5. “Wall dampness and wall drying IoT digital monitoring system” (MOXTECH) – Moxture d.o.o., Slovenia 6. “Robotically manufactured formwork made of recyclable clay for 3D concrete elements” (Robotic 3D Casting) – Hubfour Architecture ZT GmbH, Austria 7. “New sustainable material for green building” (ULIWOOD) – Innostart S.r.l, Italy 8. “Using AI to increase the accuracy of the bidding and estimating process by creating automatic cost books for construction operations” (AICB) – Exenne Technologies SRL, Romania 9. “Geo-Aware Augmented Reality in the BIM cycle” (GEOAR) – Vermessung DI Helmuth Thalmann, Austria 10. “Waste based alkali-activated paving stones” (WALK) – Termit d.o.o., Slovenia 11. “Arcology System: Data-driven, Modular Interior Construction System to Adapt Commercial Spaces” (Arcology System) – Arcology System Ltd, Ireland 12. “Digital Guiding Equipment for the Construction of Drilled Foundations” (DGE-CDF) – Saidel Engineering SA, Romania List of granted Technology adoption projects with SME financial support 58.200 EUR: 1. “Development of the BIM amplification system for autonomous management, budgeting, and stock control” (BIMas) – Woodea S.L, Spain 2. “Development of customized non-structural constructive solutions based on the application of eco-friendly mortars by using additive manufacturing for the generation of moulding elements” (Bio-EcoMOULDTAR) 360 Soluciones Cambio Climático SLU, Spain 3. “Automation of Mortar Drone Spraying” (AUTO-MDS) – MuDD ARCHITECTS, Spain 4. “Thermal insulation material (thermal plaster) with nano-particle organic additives (SprayFix TP) – GRM INTRN d.o.o, Slovenia 5. “Upgrading processes with 3D scanning and Digital Twin model in company Rihter d.o.o.” (Rihter 3D and Digital Twin) – Rihter montažne gradnje d.o.o.., Slovenia List of granted Training projects with SME financial support 5.000 EUR: 1. Heliloth eU, Austria 2. A-Star d.o.o., Slovenia 3. The Colony, Germany 4. Navvy GmbH, Austria More information on the supported project will follow. #euroclusters European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) European Commission European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)